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Barn hause
Дома в стиле Barn House
от компании "M WOOD"
Строим современные дома
в Самаре, Тольятти и области
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С 2008 года мы строим индивидуальные дома по различным технологиям, двигаясь в ногу со временем и совершенствуя свои знания и опыт.
/ Руководитель компании "M WOOD"
Митрофанов Дмитрий Юрьевич
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Каждый построенный нами дом, это в среднем год нашей жизни, с полной отдачей и вниманием к мелочам.

Мы не строим более 10 домов в год, отдавая предпочтению индивидуальности подхода к строительству, по этому не используем типовые проекты.
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M WOOD - Сохраняя совершенство природы
Серия индивидуальных проектов созданная для Вас!
Современные дома небольшой площади, от 40 м2, для временного и постоянного проживания загородом

Дома средней площади для постоянного проживания небольшой семьи с продуманными планировками

Премиальная серия домов в стиле Bar House открывающие новый взгляд на пространство для жизни за городом
Нет единых решений в строительстве индивидуальных загородных домов, есть лишь основы, ваши предпочтения, и условия.

Фундамент дома - это "Основа", но не зная условий и несущей способности грунта на вашм участке, все предложения лишь гадание на гуще.

Стены дома - это тоже "Основа", но без ваших предпочтений они останутся лишь стенами, и никогда не станут для вас домом мечты.

Мы не строим типовые дома, мы создаём индивидуальные решения для каждого из вас, пусть этот путь и не самый лёгкий на рынке строительства частных домов.

Средняя стоимость строительства домов на 2024 год
Коробка дома
от 45,000 р. за м2
Дом "под ключ"
от 90,000 р. за м2
Заезжай и живи
от 120,000 р. за м2
“Fallingwater is a remarkable structure of concrete slabs suspended over a waterfall, perfectly uniting architecture and nature” — Marcus Favroe
Housing designer in the Johnathan Hay Centre that provided a "culturally specific living" for laborers and migrants from the countryside.
Centre that provided a "culturally specific living" for laborers and migrants from the countryside for laborers and migrants from the countryside.
Louis Sullivan
Housing designer in the Johnathan Hay Centre that provided a "culturally specific living" for laborers and migrants from the countryside.
Form follows function
to emphasize the importance of utilitarian simplicity in modern architecture.
Housing designer in the Johnathan Hay Centre that provided a "culturally specific living" for laborers and migrants from the countryside.
Urban planning in LA. Housing designer in the Johnathan Hay Centre that provided a "culturally specific living" for laborers and migrants from the countryside.
Director of urban planning
in LA. Housing designer in the Johnathan Hay Centre that provided a "culturally specific living" for laborers.
Fallingwater is a remarkable structure of concrete slabs suspended over a waterfall, perfectly uniting architecture and nature.
The Beaux-Arts architecture style, and the modernists, led by Le Corbusier and Robert Mallet-Stevens in France, Walter Gropius and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in Germany, and Konstantin Melnikov in the new Soviet Union, who wanted only pure forms and the elimination of any decoration.
Shipping 17 August
~ Japan, like Europe, had an enormous shortage of housing after the war.
Early birds
Black Friday Offer
Shipping 22 October
~ Architects combined both traditional and styles and techniques.
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~ His own house in Tokyo was an early landmark of Japanese modernism, combining traditional style with ideas he acquired working with Le Corbusier.
He designed many notable office buildings and cultural centers. office buildings, as well as the Yoyogi National Gymnasium for the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.
Private organizations such as Docomomo International, the World Monuments Fund.
Several works or collections of modern architecture have been designated by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. In addition to the early experiments associated with Art Nouveau.
In India, modernist architecture was promoted by the postcolonial state under Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
Important Indian modernist architects include BV Doshi, Charles Correa, Raj Rewal.
Gropius became an important theorist of modernism, writing The Idea and Construction in 1923.
He was an advocate of standardization in architecture, and the mass construction of rationally designed apartment blocks for factory workers.
In 1928 he was commissioned by the Siemens company to build apartment for workers in the suburbs of Berlin.
While Gropius was active at the Bauhaus, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe led the modernist architect movement.
He became the vice president of the German Werkbund, and became the head of the Bauhaus from 1930 to 1932.
Inspired by the De Stijl movement in the Netherlands, he built clusters of concrete summer houses and proposed a project for a glass office tower.
Modern architecture emerged at the end of the 19th century from revolutions in technology, engineering, and building materials, and from a desire to break away from historical styles.
Denice Gulierm
The Beaux-Arts architecture style, and the modernists, led by Le Corbusier and Robert Mallet-Stevens in France, Walter Gropius and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in Germany.
Sarah Lewin
Architecture emerged at the end of the 19th century from revolutions in engineering and building materials, and from a desire to break away from historical style.
Samuel Willson
Fallingwater is a remarkable structure of concrete slabs suspended over a waterfall, perfectly uniting architecture and nature.
Alex Larkins
Submit the modernist objects of your city to be included in our research
Modern east architecture
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